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Consortium / People


IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/ musique) is a non-profit association dedicated to the relationships between science, technology and contemporary music production. IRCAM conducts multi-disciplinary research within the STMS (Science and Technology of Music and Sound UMR9912) joint research unit gathering 120 researchers, engineers and PhD students. IRCAM has been recently particularly active in distributed and collective environments using Web Audio technologies. In 2016, together with Mozilla, and with the support of the W3C and Google, IRCAM created and hosted the first Web Audio Conference. IRCAM also hosts research residencies for artists.


  • Benjamin Matuszewski - Principal investigator, researcher & developer
  • Frederic Bevilacqua - Researcher, head of the Sound Music Movement Interaction team
  • Aliénor Golvet - PhD Student
  • Jean-Philippe Lambert - Research engineer
  • Suzanne Saint-Cast - Research engineer

Involved Ircam Staff

  • Clément Canonne - Researcher (CNRS)
  • Emmanuel Fléty - Hardware engineer
  • Remi Desmonet - System administrator
  • Diemo Schwarz - Researcher & developer
  • Riccardo Borghesi - Developer


EnsadLab (The Laboratory of The École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs - PSL University, Paris) is a leading art and design laboratory in France by its scale and the role it plays at the interface of art, design, the humanities and the sciences. For several years EnsadLab has engaged and been recognized internationally for its research-by-practice and interdisciplinary approach between art, design, technologies, mediation and creation.


  • Samuel Bianchini - Associate professor (HDR), artist
  • Dominique Cunin - Researcher, artist


ex)situ is an Inria research lab located at LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique), Université Paris-Saclay, with permanent faculty from Inria, CNRS and the Université Paris-Sud. ex)situ explores the limits of human-computer interaction, specifically how extreme users interact with technology in extreme situations.


  • Sarah Fdili Alaoui - Associate professor (HDR), artist

I3S - Université Côte d’Azur

I3S Laboratory is a joint research center between CNRS and University for Informatics covering the main current research challenges, both theoretical and applied, in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Automation and Signal Processing.


  • Michel Buffa - Professor (HDR), researcher

MSH Paris Nord

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (MSHPN, USR 3258) supported by the CNRS, Université Paris 8 and Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, is part of RNMSH, a national network of 22 MSHs and is partner of Campus Condorcet. One of his 4 axes of research concerns activities « arts, creative industries, creation ». Its experimental creative practices inform research in interdisciplinary contexts, combining artistic creation, sciences and digital technologies. MSHPN offers two auditoriums, experimentation studios, exposition venues and rooms for workshops.


  • Anne Sèdes - Full Professor, head of the Computer Science and Music Creation Research Center (CICM)

DOTS - ANR-22-CE33-0013-01

IrcamIrcamCNRSSorbonne UniverstiéMinistère de la Culture